from start up to...bigger than (Part III)


The three Ds: Data; Dialogues; Doggedness

Thanks for your responses to last weeks note; so our data is now accessible, credible and actionable.  To the second of our three Ds, Dialogue:

2) Dialogues

A mix of both formal and informal dialogues (key definition: discussion between two or more people or groups, especially one directed towards exploration of a particular subject or resolution of a problem, OED) is fundamental.  Judging the scale of the bureaucracy is also an important skill – the entrepreneurs will rail against, the numbers guys want more.

Formal dialogues benefit from a couple of disciplines: agenda and templates.  Know what order you are going in, and have some standard ways of thinking, presenting and talking to ease understanding, consumption and productivity,  and stick to time.  Lastly, annotate actions, this is of course about getting stuff done –  and follow up.

To sustain informal dialogues PICK UP THE PHONE (or better walk down the corridor!).  Old fashioned, too much vs a quick email question?  Believe me, the impact on relationships and therefore, performance, is very real!  I repeat, PICK UP THE PHONE!

Doggedness to follow!

“the impact on relationships and therefore, performance, is very real.”